Finally some sun to swatch! I've decided to start showing two polishes at a time, because I will never get through them in a timely manner at the rate I'm going. Today I have the last of my stronger linear holos, Design, and my favorite of the non-linear holos, Extravagance.
Design is a gorgeous linear tan holographic polish. In person, this is a perfect match to my skin, so I get holographic mannequin hands, which I find so very pretty. The above swatches are 2 coats, and there is no visible nail line in person, but for photos I could have used 3.
Extravagance is a rich raspberry scattered holographic. Photos don't really do this polish the justice it deserves. The first one above only hints at the kind of lush, subtle holographic goodness I see in person looking at this color. Coverage on this is wonderful... the above are 2 very thin coats, but 1 thick one would probably suffice. The only downside to this one is visible above... it's tough to clean up, and like many in the red family, it tends to stay visible in cuticles.
Until next time,